
Shadow era competitive deck 2019
Shadow era competitive deck 2019

shadow era competitive deck 2019

Recommended if Snowland Spotter is in hand to be played next turn, as your Hero's ability can be activated (ignoring factors that increase/reduce Hero's Shadow Energy pool) allowing for removal of an opposing Turn 3 ally drop + damage to the opposing Hero. 3) Weevil-tipped Crossbow, additional potential damage factor, useful for clearing out oppositions Turn 2 ally drop with Layarian Knight confirming the kill. Oppositions Turn 2 ally will be reduced by two health which leads Layarian Knight to ensure a kill onto attached ally and replenish your hand with an additional two cards(with the exception of Caged Ravanger, Rapacious Vermin and Caravan Smuggler). 2) Hunter's Gambit, Health reduction and draw. Increasing Layarian Knight's damage base attack by one = 1 additional ping of damage to the oppositions hero. 1) Aldon the Brave, additional damage output due to ally's passive. Having Layarian Knight on Turn 2 will give you a massive advantage due to the potential damage it can lay upon the oppositions board.

shadow era competitive deck 2019

1) Layarian Knight, presents solid board presence due to it's damage reduction when attacked by sword/claw base-attacks. Giving you a better chance of having Layarian Knight in your hand for Turn 2. 1) Pack an Extra, recyclable draw, basically allows you to replace this card and burn through your deck faster. The Ideal Hand + Plays for when you begin the game 1st: This deck operates with extreme aggression supported by cheap suppression. I must add this deck will forever have the potential to turn extremely lethal at any given point in the game resulting in some amazing clutches. I've achieved 320+ rating in a past season and have won many small tournaments due to it's overall aggression and consistency. The past few seasons I've played this build has been truly phenomenal when it comes to my overall win-rate. Introduction - I've had many people ask me about my Gwenneth Truesight build and I would love to share it now. The Octagon #7 - Deck Submission By XY Soomsalof.

Shadow era competitive deck 2019