The box I’m holding in the above photo is a mockup they finished just moments before. Unfortunately they didn’t have any copies of DiT ready to give me, since Marvel hasn’t given final approval yet and they haven’t even printed any CDs. They had me sign a couple of copies of the audiobook as well as the OS poster in their lobby, and they gave me a green coffee mug with the company logo on it (though more lime green than emerald green).

After the interview, they showed me the rest of their facility - mostly one big room where the directors and engineers work at a bunch of computers around the walls, but with some private offices for the producers and a couple of secondary recording booths. They even let me go back in and do a retake when I belatedly remembered I’d forgotten to plug the upcoming Only Superhuman paperback. The podcast should be out within the week, and I’ll link to it when it’s available. I was listening in awe and thinking, “I wrote that?!” Anyway, Richard and Nanette interviewed me inside a cozy recording booth and we had a nice talk about both books. I learned a lot of this from the trailer they played during the podcast interview, which made the story sound really exciting. I also learned that Mary Jane Watson-Parker will be played by Alyssa Wilmoth, the same actress who played Emerald Blair - appropriate, since they’re both redheads. No, they didn’t hire Stan, but their actor gives JJJ a very Stan-like quality. Jonah Jameson isn’t anything like what I imagined (which was Ed Asner from the ’90s show), since they based their version on the fact that Stan Lee always wanted to play the role himself.
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The actor they’ve got playing Spider-Man (I don’t know his name yet) sounds not unlike Christopher Daniel Barnes, who played the role in the ’90s series that made me a Spidey fan, and whose voice I imagined when writing the book.
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I was shown into the editing room where the above photo was taken, and I got to hear the opening scene of the Spider-Man: Drowned in Thunder audiobook, plus a couple of other scenes later on. But I just missed a chance to meet Zephyr’s portrayer Thomas Keegan, with whom Nanette had just been finishing up a session when I arrived. I also met Nanette Savard, the audiobook’s director and narrator, and when I mentioned that I’d felt Greg Tai and Sally Knox had been perfectly cast, Nanette revealed that she had played Sally! I also briefly met Colleen Delany, who played Psyche Thorne, and who turns out to have a rather Psyche-like smile, very wide and bright. When I mentioned his performance reminded me of Tony Randall (which worked almost as well), he said he’d have to think about developing a Randall impression. He was aware I’d imagined Roddy MacDowall when writing the character, but said he didn’t have that voice in his repertoire. There I was met by producer Richard Rohan, who turned out to have played Hanuman Kwan in Only Superhuman. I needed to find someone to escort me down to the studios the floor below. When I arrived, I also got a bit lost, since I went in by the stairs and the signs there only directed me to the upper floor where the processing and packaging is done. Based on their recommendations, I decided to take the Beltway route out there and the more direct East-West Highway back - but cousin Barb loaned me their GPS, and it kept trying to direct me to East-West on the way out and the Beltway on the way back! So I relied more on Google Maps printouts. ( Link)Īs I’ve mentioned, I was able to arrange this visit because I was staying with cousins half an hour’s drive from the GA studio.

Me with director/narrator Nanette Savard, sound designer Patrick Stratton, and producer/actor Richard Rohan.