I felt like it got carried by the hype train and people who've never heard of multiverses before. I agree, I always call infinite COD: infinite the way the game is structured so loosely and not even close to the first 2 games other than simple looting and “plasmids”.

The story became an absolute clusterfuck compared to the whole “shock” series (system shock1/2 bioshock1/2) like they had so much ideas that ended up flopping with millions of unanswered questions that raised more questions within it- and yes they could be answered but for those questions to be there in the first place definitely within the “shock”verse was completely out of place. The infinite dlc also made bioshock 2 aka rapture immersion simulator-non cannon for absolute no reason at all. Infinite is not a masterpiece, maybe under a different title than bioshock yes, but it trashed the soul each “shock” game brought to the table by trying to “mind bend” and being fake woke. I like how you said the dlc is fanfic, personally I see the whole game as one, like a whole what if episode and it saddens me that that’s the game people prefer out of the series (sorry if I’ve offended anyone) because it is so dull, streamlined, and colorless under its bright poppy foreground and 1D lore.↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Name seen on a list of prisoners on a blackboard in the Good Time Club cellar.↑ Andrew Ryan's name is seen on picket signs when Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth enter the Welcome Center of Rapture through a Tear.↑ 3.0 3.1 This name is seen on a locker next to Cornelius Slates' in the Worker Induction Center.↑ Their name is written on a confession note in the interrogation room of the Bull House Impound.↑ A pastor who was to hold a sermon for the "The Columbia Friends of the Negro Society" on July 9th,ġ912, mentioned on the poster for the sermon.↑ She was photographed by Cunningham Studios in 1889.Her framed picture can be found in various places in-game, notably Cunningham Studios.↑ Zachary Hale Comstock's Voxophone: A Dog's Loyalty.↑ Named on the "Vox Threat" board as Morgan Creed's killer.↑ 12.0 12.1 His scalp is seen among other Founders, nailed to a board in Port Prosperity.